Plant Quantitative and Population Genomics

Prof. Sariel Hübner

Principal Researcher

Prof. Sariel Hübner

Prof. Sariel Hübner
Plant Quantitative and Population Genomics

In the lab we integrate experimental ecology and agricultural practices with high-throughput genomics and bioinformatics to study the genetics of adaptation and domestication in crop plants and their wild relatives.

Latest Publications

Editorial: Molecular Links Between Metabolism and Neural Dysfunction

A Meerson, O Shahar, I Mor

Frontiers in Neuroscience 17, 963

Genomic analysis of 6,000-year-old cultivated grain illuminates the domestication history of barley.

Mascher M., Schuenemann V.J., Davidovich U., Marom N., Himmelbach A., Hübner S., Korol A., David M., Reiter E., Riehl S., Schreiber M., Vohr S.H., Green R.E., Dawson I.K., Russell J., Kilian B., Muehlbauer G.J., Waugh R., Fahima T., Krause J., Weiss E., Stein N.
Nature Genetics 2016 Volume 48 Pages 1089?1093

Hybridization and extinction

Todesco M., Pascual M.A. Owens G.L, Ostevik K.L., Moyers B.T., Hübner S., Heredia S.M., Caseyes C., Bock D.G., and Rieseberg, L.H.
Evolutionary Applications. 2016 Volume 9 Issue 7 Pages 892-908

Why Close a Bacterial Genome? The Plasmid of Alteromonas Macleodii HOT1A3 is a Vector for Inter-Specific Transfer of a Flexible Genomic Island

Fadeev E., De Pascale F., Vezzi A., Hübner S., Aharonovich D. and Sher D.
Frontiers in Microbiology 2016 Volume 7 Pages 248